Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So Why is She Called 'The Bean'?

Me (The Daddy)
The Bean: Age 7
The Butterfly: Age 5
The Loving Understanding Wife

When The Loving Understanding Wife and I married, we were what was known as 'Dinks' (Double Income No Kids - just another annoying acronym from the '90s). We lived the high life - expensive dinners, travel to Napa Valley and all the wine we could drink.

We knew we wanted kids. We wanted kids in five years.

Which was fine. Especially, considering it was a rolling five years - it was five years away and would always be five years away.

Then one day, we switched to a rolling two years. Then it was a rolling one year - which was also fine.

Then it was THAT DAY.

A friend who had already taken plunge assured me that once we started trying, it would take 1-2 years for anything to happen.

Apparently, The Loving Understanding Wife didn't get that memo.

So at the first ultrasound, before they can determine the gender, we got our picture of the baby-to-be.

Didn't so much look like a baby.

Sort of looked like a Bean.

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